The Journal of Applied Entomology recently announced that an article co-authored by CIPM researchers Hui Fang and Godshen Pallipparambil was a top cited article for 2021-22.
Drs. Fang and Pallipparambil collaborated with Drs. Barney Caton (UDSA-APHIS-PPQ) and Nicholas Manoukis (USDA-ARS in Hilo, HI) to quantify insect dispersal distances from trapping detection data of five insects and one mollusk.
Drs. Barney Caton, Hui Fang, Nicholas Manoukis, and Godshen Pallipparambil at the USDA ARS lab in Hilo, Hawaii
Published in October 2021, the article, Quantifying insect dispersal distances from trapping detections data to predict delimiting survey radii, describes their findings that many delimiting surveys currently in use are oversized and recommends alternatives that can significantly reduce survey costs. The results could help estimate delimiting survey radii based on a range of insect dispersal distances.